each breath a yes.
a letting go.
a coming home back to yourself.

(646) 249 - 4403

what, when and how we eat, affects the way we think and feel.

(646) 249-4403


When we are intentional about the way we eat, we transform the way we live. We strengthen the body, clarify the mind, set goals, and feel empowered when we feed ourselves with whole, high-octane foods. Foods that look the same on your plate as they did when they were growing. The bottom line is – what, when and how we eat affects the way we think and feel.



Who would imagine that yoga and meditation could lead us to compassion and understanding for ourselves and those around us?

The spiritual masters teach us that we are all one. When we practice breathing and moving alongside others, we realize that all of us are doing the best we can at any given moment.

Yoga and meditation offer us the gift of spiritual awakening through mindful, loving awareness. When we are present to the moment, we realize we are all connected. In the moment, we are free from separation, judgment, and criticism.




Who would imagine that yoga and meditation could lead us to compassion and understanding for ourselves and those around us?

The spiritual masters teach us that we are all one. When we practice breathing and moving alongside others, we realize that all of us are doing the best we can at any given moment.

Yoga and meditation offer us the gift of spiritual awakening through mindful, loving awareness. When we are present to the moment, we realize we are all connected. In the moment, we are free from separation, judgment, and criticism.




The practice of mindfulness is investigation – engaging in inquiry as to what is happening inside us and beyond. When we investigate with an open and compassionate heart, our attention energizes the path of awakening.

At Mindfullyfed, we practice mindfulness by paying attention to what is happening to us moment to moment. To be mindful, we bring our full awareness to both the activity at hand and to our inner experience of it.

Mindfulness is about restoring the mind to wholeness. In order to restore the mind to wholeness, we begin with the body. At Mindfullyfed, we begin our practice with mindful eating. Paying attention to what, how, when we eat and how we feel physically, moment to moment. This is how we restore the body back to wholeness.




Frances Murchison, CAI, NCIP, HHC, AADP, EYRT, NCRC-I, NCRC-II, decided to orient her life toward health and healing years ago. In recovery from an eating disorder and addiction for over 30 years, she has worked with hundreds of clients to help them find freedom and wholeness through nutrition, yoga, and meditation.

Get to know Frances and her thriving mission here at mindfullyfed.com, a wellness hub with information on health + life coaching, yoga, and mindfulness.
She hopes you’ll join her on your own path toward wellness.


(646) 249 -4403

Guiding people in transforming their lives.